Water Scarcity IoT and AI

Water sacristy is one of the significant reasons of concern in the coming times. Governments across the globe are coming with initiatives to reduce the wastage of water. They are focusing on the water management system.

With the help of AI and IoT, this problem can be tackled, and we can develop a robust mechanism.

In the coming future, the water storage tank in our houses will contain IoT devices and give real-time data of our usage and usage patterns.

The data from Aadhar cards and other data sources will be mapped against the usage of water. This mapping will help Governments to identify the number of people living in a particular house.

This will help governments track the real-time use of water, and they will be able to predict future needs based on the consumption pattern.

It will also help them to identify any unusual patterns and wastage. This will help them to take the measure in real-time.

By seeing the regular pattern of a particular segment, the Governments will apply taxes above a specific usage.

I believe this process will help reduce the wastage of water and help utilize the resources.

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